Monday, November 23, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Photo by John Kay of kids at
Sunday, October 25, 2009
PFO in the Paper
Monday, September 28, 2009
Generosity of God's people on display ...
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Off to Thailand...

Friday, July 17, 2009
Kathy :)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
New Life DVD Link
New Life Kericho
Outside Playtime
Getting a bit bigger now...
Welcome Center
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Unable to Blog
Saturday, July 4, 2009
I'll be here until the 12th, revisiting New Life Home Trust. PFO donors have enabled us to donate more than $20,000 to this Christian medical orphanage. The pictures below capture what they do for babies in across Kenya. New Life takes in orphaned, abandoned, and HIV positive babies that most other homes refuse. They've taken in over 1,080 babies so far. About 70% of the babies arrive here HIV+, but with care and medical attention, more than 75% of the babies have gone from HIV+ to HIV-. 100% of those remain negative today. Over 700 have been adopted into loving homes, and all are up for adoption.
I'll be able to post pictures and video throughout the week.
Sally Allred Lockett <><
Founder/Director, Portion for Orphans

Thursday, June 4, 2009
Meet Dang An Ran :)
Video of Dan Yun Sheng
June 1, 2009
Today is my last day in China … and it happens to be National Children’s Day! Philip Hayden had a huge celebration this morning with 100 happy meals for the kids, swimming, face paint, and crafts … the kids had a blast!
As for me, honestly, I am emotionally tired. Visiting orphans is a joy, but it is also heart wrenching that I cannot do more. It hurts to get close enough to realize that these kids know that something is missing. Sometimes they reach out to you in hopes of finding fulfillment, sometimes you can sense their frustration as they push you away or would rather not be touched. This trip, more than ever, I have shed tears and felt pain for these kids. They all know the word mommy, and they do realize that something is missing, even at a very early age. Psalm 34:18 says that God is close to the broken hearted. These children are so important to Him. Surely your consideration of their needs brings Him great joy.
Your Portion for Orphans donations are making a difference in the lives of orphans! A simple glance at the pictures below will prove that. As a result of YOUR DONATIONS, they are receiving facial reconstructive cleft lip surgery this week! The last one has already had lip surgery and will have cleft pallet surgery, which closes the roof of his mouth. I want to thank you on their behalf. Sheh-Sheh!
As soon as I have all pictures uploaded, I will blog the link. I'll also be adding video clips to this blog. For now, if you’re on Facebook, you can view them there. Just search Sally Lockett.
Thank you for following the trip. Please visit the PFO website to subscribe to our periodic email updates throughout the year. They mainly consist of news and follow-up pictures of donations and surgeries.
Thanks also to those who cover our administrative/travel expenses. You are like angels!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
May 30, 2009
I’ve never thought of orphans as less real than other children, but somehow looking into the eyes of these individual children for the last 2 weeks, holding them, having them reach out to me, hearing them cry… I’m realizing more and more that I’ve never fully understood just how REAL they are. Each one is just as special and unique as my 2 yr old nephew, with the same needs, desires, and longings… We all know it on some level, but somehow we struggle to fully comprehend that, as well as the fact that a simple touch can be the connection and hope that a child needs to get through. One boy, who has now been adopted, actually told me that one of his greatest memories is of sitting next to a volunteer, by a pond, and feeling a connection, a friendship. That gave him hope that there was more to life than institutional living. Little efforts can have such an impact on those who are hurting, and also upon those who are ministering.
12 of the children here are being sponsored by PFO partners. Here are a few of them: Malachi and I, Kathy & Moses, and Jerak doing martial arts. J It has been such a pleasure to meet each of these children. I could go on and on about them. Over 700 have been adopted into forever families.
As I was checking out, many of you were on my mind. The Biblical plan for these kids is that everyone gives a little to help provide for their needs… so many of you are truly doing that. J.
Thank you for partnering with us! 100% goes directly to meet the needs of the kids.
May 27, 2009
Today was my first day at The Philip Hayden Foundation, an American run children’s village for 100 orphans, many of whom are adopted. 95% have a physical disability or serious medical condition. The organization has provided corrective surgeries for more than 3000 orphans since 1996. I’m currently visiting their new children’s village, Shepherd’s Field. This is an all-purpose facility, the largest of it’s kind in mainland China. It is equipped with foster homes, a medical clinic, a school, and a vocational center. They are still fundraising for the school. Here’s a picture of the front building.
This morning, I had the privilege of meeting a 14 year girl named Ling-Ling, or Shelby in English. During PFO’s Christmas Sponsorship Project, a missionary friend of mine in Germany, Leah, signed up to be a monthly sponsor for Shelby. Leah sent a necklace and a picture for me to deliver to Shelby. She was ecstatic, gave me a kiss, and put her things in a very special place to protect them. This picture is of Shelby, holding a picture of Leah, and Leah’s adopted sister Alicia. Sponsors send $35 a month to provide for a specific child of their choice. Sponsors then receive pictures and updates of their child, and can even visit and send gifts. Each child needs 6 sponsors. For more info on sponsoring a child, see or Please let me know if you sign up,
There are an estimated 143 million children without parents in our world of 6, 790, 062, 216 people. That can make us feel incapable of making a difference, but have you heard the Starfish Story? A person was walking down a beach tossing beached starfish back into the sea after a storm. A passerby came up to him, struck by the futility of the task, and said, "You must be crazy. There are thousands of miles of beach covered with starfish. You can't possibly make a difference." The person looked at the man. He then stooped down and picked up one more starfish and threw it back into the ocean. He turned back to the man and said, "It sure made a difference to that one!"
J Go light your world!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
May 26, 2009
Yesterday was my last day at New Hope Foundation. I had a wonderful time reading books with the preschool aged kids and holding the babies. It was a beautiful day so I also went for a nice bike ride into the little village for some groceries. The kids were eager to read their new books, over and over again. There are some real sharp kids here and I pray they are able to get a good education.
This morning, I spoke for a while with Dr. Joyce Hill, the founder. I haven’t written much about her and… there is so much to be said. She has really challenged my definition of what it means to serve and what it looks like when done wholeheartedly and selflessly. Joyce has a rare condition, the fluid in her brain leaks, causing severe pain when she is upright. She has had constant pain for 2 years now and doctors have been unable to heal her. She is the founder, director and doctor of New Hope Foundation. She inspires me to serve, with all I am, no matter how I ‘feel.’ Please pray for Joyce. She feels so much pain and it can be very discouraging. God is so strong. He can work miracles through any yielded vessel, even when they can only be upright a couple hours a day.
Joyce mentioned to me that there are 5 children who need, and are strong enough to have, cleft lip & pallet surgery. With New Hope, this costs $650 per child. That covers all transportation costs as well as a nanny to go along and be with the child through the entire process. PFO donations will be used to cover these expenses for all 5 children that you see below. Thanks to all of you who've given and enabled this donation. Here are pictures of two children. Dang an Ran and Hu Jian Lu, who is currently fed through a feeding tube.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
May 23, 2009 (P.M.)
It’s 10:30pm in Beijing. A baby was just left at our gate, about an hour ago.
He's about 2, has cerebral palsy and I think he can't see. The grandmother left a note in Chinese with just a little information. I went and sat next to him, just he and I sitting there which I thought was odd. His new nanny was nearby. Tears just started FLOWING down my face, for the first time since I’ve been here. I could tell that the three Chinese nannies who were in the room noticed. I imagine they get sort of numb to this after a while, over 800 babies have come through here, but it seemed like my tears sort of woke them up a little and reminded them that it's a little person, who just lost his mom forever. They came and sat around him and … we sort of ‘talked’, pointing to his length and teeth, determining that he’s about 2 years old, and probably blind. The nurse had already checked him out but was not in the room. I can barely say this, but he won't get to stay here forever. It's hard to imagine this little guy's future, and the mom and family tonight. Know matter what, THAT’S HARD. It's difficult to say why they left him. He's well cared for, and well dressed, so it could be because if they keep him they can't have another child who will provide for them later on, meaning even this child would suffer with no one to provide for them. Or, it could be because they can't afford medically to provide for him. It's just hard to say. I've never experienced this before. It sort of makes it all real.
Please pray for this baby and the family. At least they knew to bring him here. Normally, I read over these entries a couple of times before posting, but I'm going to finish up and go sit with him again.
May 22/23, 2009
Joanne is a friend of mine from college who now works near Beijing teaching English. She also serves as the Asia Representative for Portion for Orphans. She has spent the last 2 days here with me at New Hope Foundation. Joanne’s insight into this culture has been very helpful, especially in terms of being cautious while blogging.
Joanne encouraged me to explain why PFO is helping New Hope Foundation when it seems like a five star hotel compared to other places nearby. There are a few reasons, one of which I won’t explain here. Secondly, although my early dream was to help grass roots orphanages, it seems obvious now that the better method is to further enable the work of those who are already doing an exceptional job caring for orphans. This is much more realistic than attempting to change the methods of existing orphanages or create something new, from the other side of the world. This is our vision in each of the countries where we work, to expand the reach of those who are truly making a difference in the lives of orphans, enabling them to take in and provide for more children. All of us work hard for the funds that we are donating, and PFO is committed to ensuring that every dollar given really does reach and benefit children without parents.
The vision for New Hope is to provide medical attention for kids that Chinese orphanages are not able to provide for. These kids come from all over China, and after receiving medical care, most of them go on to be adopted into families of their own. Did I mention that over 800 children have come through here in 10 years?
A number of Chinese orphanage directors have even asked the directors here to implement this program within their orphanages. Three have given New Hope an entire floor to call their own within their government orphanages. So, New Hope has multiple facilities. They go in and create a floor, with nurses on staff, where sick children can be cared for. Other orphanage workers are sharing and implementing what they’ve learned from New Hope about child care. This place is raising the standards of care provided to orphans in this area.
Tomorrow, I’ll go to church and spend my last day at New Hope. It is legal for foreigners to go to church, I’ll just have to show my passport to get in…………….!
These pictures are of Joanne meeting Jade and Sally with a precious baby girl that has a rare stomach disease, causing her to vomit 7-8 times a day for days at a time. She is a princess, and now that I'm looking at this picture she seems to be pondering the word 'orphan' on my shirt. It's hard not to bring them ALL home. I'm praying for families to rise up for that purpose.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
May 21, 2009
Each of the children here at New Hope Foundation are here because they have medical issues, some of which are correctable, but turn out to be fatal if the child is left in a state run orphanage. For example, many children here are born with cleft lip and cleft pallet. This means it takes them a long time to get enough milk. As a result, many don’t survive in the government orphanages. Others arrive extremely malnourished. New Hope strengthens them until they are able to receive corrective surgery. It seems like every other baby here has a cleft lip or is recovering from corrective surgery. Right now 12 are preparing for surgery. At this center, the procedure costs approximately $650. PFO will fund a number of these with donations that have been coming in. Others of these children have complex heart problems, tumors, cerebral palsy, down syndrome and a number of other less common medical issues. Surgeons from all over the world serve these children. Many kids have been flown to the US and Hong Kong for surgery. Today I saw the director tear up, because one of the little girls is inoperable.
New Hope has a nanny for every 2 babies, and 3 shifts of nannies. They come from the nearby village. This center is only for infants with medical needs, most are adopted but not all. Those who aren’t, must return to the government run orphanages. Benjamin is one who does not yet have a forever family, there are many others.
I recently heard about a Christian woman who is pregnant with a 2nd child. If she doesn’t abort the baby, both she and her husband will lose their jobs. However, if it weren’t for the one-child policy demanding this, the country would be more like Africa with street children digging through burning piles of rubbish to find food.
I realize this isn’t ‘pleasant reading.’ Thank you for caring and reading despite how it might make you feel. I feel the same tension every time I walk in to see the children, it’s sad, but it’s real, and we are called to speak for them and help them. The Biblical idea is that we all give a portion to help meet their needs. Thanks to all who’ve joined us in this effort.
Here is one baby currently waiting for cleft lip surgery,
here's a before and after pic of another baby,
and here's a picture of Benjamin.
If you’d like to sponsor a specific child, which costs $40/month, you can view the children who need sponsors at:, just click on ‘babies.’
May 20, 2009
First off, please know that what I’m able to say here is very limited.
Today, I realized that there is a firewall against blogs in China. Talk about a reality check. I was told it has something to do with the recent uprisings in Tibet. For now, I will have a friend post pictures and entries, and I will post video clips when I leave the country. Sometimes we get so used to having and doing whatever, whenever, that we forget it’s a privilege that so many don’t share. I can’t talk about what this reminder makes me most grateful for. I even found myself singing as I ran yesterday, because I’m so thankful I’ve heard the good news… Thanks goes out to all who’ve fought for our freedom.
It’s warm here and sunny. The people are very friendly, but in this village area they do not speak English. The food… well I’m eating Chinese village food, thankfully the Olympic competitors, Germans actually, dumped all their left over clif bars, peanut butter, and beds/mattresses here before they left. The Chinese aren’t too interested in clif bars or PB so I’m greatly benefiting.
Wednesday I got to visit a government run orphanage. I won’t share the details of how. It is said to be one of the better ones, which is surely why I was allowed in. It was nice to see the children’s drawings on the walls, and the kids sitting at desks learning. This is a result of a foreign non-profit that comes in and creates child-development centers for the kids. Down the hall, however, I poked my head in a sleeping room where 20 little ones were napping. It reeked of urine. I was told that wet diapers are hung out to dry, without even a rinse. In the winter, a damp one always replaces it. I think I heard that 700 diapers a day are used and I don’t doubt it. The young lady who gave me the tour was so sweet. The issue of orphans not receiving proper care is huge. It’s not that she doesn’t care, there are just so many children.
Here’s a picture of a little girl I met there. You can see it looks like a school.
May 19, 2009
Here’s a picture of Dr. Joyce doing what she does best, casting the legs of a child with club feet. She had to snip a tendon in the ankle and the casts reshape the ankle, enabling the child to grow and walk normally. Many older children in this area grow up and still have club feet. Many orphanages are bringing their children with club feet to Joyce and she corrects it. J
Today, Robin and I flew to Luoyang, south of Beijing. They are opening a new, state of the art center, for children being rescued from China’s notorious ‘dying rooms.’ In many orphanages, hopeless children are left alone in these dying rooms to pass away, alone and in pain. If they don’t die of their illness, then of starvation and neglect. This sounds awful, however when the orphanages can’t provide the support the child needs, it’s their way of putting these children out of misery as quickly as possible. Whew.
The good news, is that Steven Curtis Chapman’s ‘Shaohannah’s Hope’ raised the $1.5 million to construct this new center. In a similar center run by New Hope, 60% of the children don’t survive, but they will be loved and given a chance. 40% do survive and go on to be adopted. Here are two picture of the new medical center that will take 130 babies at a time.
Like I said before, these people are surely entertaining angels… their lights shine in such a way… I am truly inspired to be a little less about me and to pay a little more attention to those in need.