When Giving Changes Lives
When we received that wonderful phone call last
June of 2009 that my husband Robert and I were finally going to be parents, our entire world shifted. The details we received
about our new daughter from our agency during that call would change our lives forever. We would learn that our baby girl had a cleft lip and palate and we would learn that she was receiving tremendous care at New Hope Foundation in Beijing, China. While we were waiting to travel to adopt our daughter, whom we named Ysabella, we kept busy. I made it a great hobby to keep up with
various families who were also waiting to adopt, as well as researching and learning about the organizations who helped care for and bring Ysabella home to us.

One day I was reading a newsletter from New Hope, and discovered that Ysabella's cleft lip surgery had been funded by an organization called Portion for Orphans. I found their website and one thing led to another with another discovery that our daughter was on PFO's blog! There she was in the flesh being filmed by Sally herself. How absolutely ecstatic my husband and I were to see her every day with just the click of a button. I cannot tell you how many wonderful compliments we have received on the excellent lip repair that was done courtesy of the surgeons at Operation Smile in China. With the help of PFO and all the wonderful donors, children like our Ysabella received this important surgery which allowed her to have even more of a beautiful smile. PFO funds enabled the surgery to be paid for, as well as Ysabella's nanny to travel with her from Beijing to the surgery location. What a blessing this has all become. Now that Ysabella has been home with us over six months, she has become even more of a beautiful person. She loves fish, loves to ride outside in her little wagon, hug mommy and daddy, and just be a normal little toddler complete with mini tantrums and giggles. Every

dollar that one person contributes can add up in countless ways. If you truly want to change a person's life, I think it's so important to give what you can. You not only change one person's life, you change all the other lives that he or she comes in contact with. Our family will be forever grateful to PFO and all the wonderful people who helped bring our daughter home to us - beautiful smile and all.Jenny, Robert and Ysabella G.